Monday, November 16, 2009

Kid-O Bilibo - Blue

Buy Cheap Kid-O Bilibo - Blue

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Designed in Switzerland, this toy has won countless awards for design and play value. Its simplicity is deceptive and modeled after extensive study of children's play patterns. Bilibo is a completely open-ended toy that stimulates a child's imagination. It can be a helmet, sit and spin, doll cradle, train tunnel, shovel, water basin and much more! Let your imagination run wild! Nearly indestructible; suitable for indoors and outdoors. Measures 16"L x 16"W x 9"H.

Technical Details

- Made of non-toxic, recyclable, high-density polyethylene
- Stimulates imaginative play
- Almost indestructible
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor play
- Open-ended toy provides hours of fun play
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Bilibo - even more fun than the box it comes in" 2009-06-09

Bilibo is a toy. A large, colorful toy. With no moving parts, unless you count the children who play with it. Like any toy, it is designed for a certain kind of child with equally certain kinds of parents - creative, imaginative, active children, whose parents understand and support unstructured, unpredictable, non-directed play.

The Bilibo is the mother of the Bilibo Game Box - the very Bilibo Game Box glowingly reviewed here just last month. For children between the ages of 18 mos and 8 years, the Bilibo is something to sit in or on, to rock or twirl or scoot in, to stand on, to wear. It is a water toy and a sand toy and a family room toy. It is a toy for storing other toys in.

Just what this toy means to kids depends on the adult as much as the child. The way you play with your child, the expectations you have, the limits you impose, the other toys you have out for play... all impact the way your child experiences the Bilibo, and you experience your child. Alex Hochstrasser, the inventor of what has become the Bilibo system, comments: "...most children have fun with Bilibo anyways, because that's how they play. They learn much more when they explore and discover things by themselves...I wanted to create a toy that was not gender or age specific but rather grows with the kids and, depending on age and interests, can be used in ever new ways. The closest I had as a role model was probably the card board box."

But it is also true that if adults are present, they influence the child's play, overtly or covertly. Parents need to be careful of their expectations. Even the most gifted children might not immediately take to the Bilibo. They need time with it. Time to explore or not. To kick it around, sit on it, or ignore it. Its presence in their play environment, like the presence of an empty cardboard box, will, in time beckon to them.

The best influence you can have, especially with a toy like Bilibo, is in your willingness to let the child discover and define the toy for herself. For example, from the persepective of a physical therapist who has obviously allowed the child undirected access to the toy, it becomes a multi-purpose tool. The therapist writes:

"I thought I would tell you how much one child I work with enjoys the Bilibo toy. He is 5 and totally blind. He spins quite fast around in it on a hard surface floor. He is able to catch himself with his arms what ever direction he tips over which is helping him with upper body development and balance skills.

"It also cradles small/multi involved children with low tone, very nicely encouraging them in bringing their hands to midline. When a large enough child is in there (and I am supporting the Bilibo not to roll about), rather than arms/hands flopping about at the sides, the arms end up more in the middle of the body, to hold a toy. Of course with experience many of these kids like a bit of gentle rocking to and fro as well."

Alex adds: " the stimulation of the child's vestibular system by spinning and balancing in the shells would be an interesting area where Bilibo shines. (The vestibular and proprioceptive systems play a key role in the development of the brain and reading and writing skills in particular.)"

If you already have the Bilibo Game Box, the big Bilibo makes an ideal expansion component, and vice versa. It's almost a given that children will weave family fantasies around the relationship between the big Bilibo and mini-Bilibos. Then there are the profound discoveries to be made about mini-Bilibo-spinning inside a big-spinning-Bilibo, spinning, perhaps, in a different direction. And what about the Bilibo Pixel? Does it roll and bounce and do even more fun things when it's inside a big, spinning Bilibo?

And if you can afford more than one (child or Bilibo), there's yet other orders of magnitude of games and fantasies, probability and physics, social and biodynamics to explore.

For kids (or parents) who don't yet have a Bilibo, there's an ample collection of inspirational clips on YouTube. On the other had, once your kids start playing with their Bilibo collection, they'll have all the inspiration you need. If you're good, maybe they'll let you play, too.

Customer Buzz
 "Kids love it!" 2009-04-13
By M. Paulson (Racine, WI)
Both 5 year old and 2 year old love it...may have to buy another so they stop fighting over it. They sit, they spin around, 2 year old puts dolls in it and "rocks baby."

It was a gamble for me and one I was glad to have taken.

Customer Buzz
 "I can't believe my kids actually play with this." 2009-04-07
By D. Hardaway (Louisville, KY United States)
I read all the reviews and thought there was no way a child would actually play with this. Well, I was wrong. They were purchased for my 9 year old, 15 month old, and my 5 year old niece and every one of them has had a blast playing with them. I do find that they enjoy them more in groups. It is much more fun to spin in circles on the tile floor with a friend. I was surprised to see that my son (15 months) actually played with it. At this point, he pretty much just sits in it and rocks and laughs when he topples over backwards or uses it as a stool, but I think the uses he finds for it will expand over the next few years. So, overall, I'm pleasantly surprised at how much they like it.

As for durability, I think I could drive over this thing with the car and not damage it! They are super durable.

Customer Buzz
 "The "big cardboard box of the 21st Century"" 2009-02-04
By C. File (Winter Haven, FL)
My sister bought the Bilibo for my 18 month old son for Christmas. My first impression was that this is an odd shaped piece of plastic with no real use. Now that we've had it for a couple of months, I now know that this is an odd shaped piece of plastic with one million uses. It is a very durable, hard plastic toy that requires a child's imagination to use it properly. My son and three nieces have used it as a seat, merry-go-round, marble twirler, cat hiding place, stool, helmet, etc, etc. The kids find the uses for it that are amazing. It is very well made. The plastic is thick and it has zero sharp edges. It will last many years. Since the toy is only limited to the child's imagination, I refer to it as the "big cardboard box of the 21st Century." It might have limited usefulness to an adult but can be almost anything to a child.

Customer Buzz
 "should have bought 2!!" 2009-01-13
By L. Olah (alexandria, la usa)
This is an amazing toy! I bought this for my 1 1/2 yo grandson and he loves it! All of the kids including my 6 yo daughter love to play and sit. Its also very sturdy!

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Buy Kid-O Bilibo - Blue Now


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