Thursday, February 22, 2018

#1:Cell Phone Bill Dilema - Here Is Why Your Bill Is High

#1:Cell Phone Bill Dilema - Here Is Why Your Bill Is High

People all over the world spend at least 35-50% more on their phone bill then they did in 2006. Every phone user is wonder why he or she is paying significantly more on their phone bill. Today I am going to share with you some reasons why your phone bill is high. After you know these reasons, you will be able to avoid common pitfalls.

Here are some reasons why your phone bill is high;

Taxes are steadily rising!

21 percent of an average bill is due to taxes. The taxes are federal, state and local taxes according to a report done by the Tax Foundation. Usually, the federal's rate is about 7% and the state and local taxes average out to 14%. Unfortunately, in the big cities like New York, Baltimore, Chicago and Omaha, taxes can take up to 35% percent of a bill, according to the Tax Foundation. The 991 emergency fee has risen to 3.90$ per month from its previous 2.50$.

The Use Of Landlines Is Decreasing!

It is very expensive to maintain a landline and a phone bill. According to the National Health Interview Survey of 2017, more than 41% of U.S households have cut their landlines and now just use their phones. Because landlines are not being used like they once was, cell phone companies are taking advantage of the consumer, in my opinion. I believe that large corporations have no obligation to stay competitive with their prices because they know landlines are not as dominant in household like they use to be.

Data Plans Being Offered Are Not Enough!

Most phone companies offer a limited amount of data to their consumers every month. As of this year, everyone uses their phone for everything. We all use our phones tremendously every month to surf the web. Unfortunately, when we go over the data limit, we are often charged for the amount we went over our plan's limits.

How Can you solve paying too much for your phone bill?

In my opinion, you may want to talk to some phone experts. Luckily for you there are experts who can help you find cheaper plans. I would advise you to get a report of your bill to see how you are being charged. In some states, you can avoid certain fees simply by talking to your provider on the phone and demanding a change.


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