Tuesday, February 20, 2018

#1:Cell Phone Bill - Here Are Some Sneaky Charges Hidden In Your Bill

#1:Cell Phone Bill - Here Are Some Sneaky Charges Hidden In Your Bill

As the consumer, we are always curious to figure out why our cell phone bills are so high. It like an unsolved mystery and in my opinion, I believe the average consumer is being over-charged. To begin, there are charges that are mandated federally. The other most common charges are from the state and local taxes. According to a site cell phone magazine, there are roughly over 75 different types of fees that your carrier
can charge.

Unfortunately, these charges are on the rise and in most cases, as a consumer, there is little we can do about it. The only way, I feel, we can change the system is by demanding our bills to be lowered.

So let's begin.

Universal Service Fund Fee!

Most providers contribute to the federal universal fund. They contribute to initiatives like E-rate, Lifeline, and the Connect America Fund. Unfortunately, most prepaid services pass that particular fee straight to you.

911/Emergency Response Fees

All carriers are required to collect fees from customers to help the local government fund services like fire and rescue. These fees vary from state to state.

City Taxes and Fees

At this time, there are 15 cities in the United States that local governments can charge additional fees as legacy taxes. Legacy taxes are put in place initially for landlines and are now transferred to cell phones.

However, here are some more reasons why your bill is higher than it should be, in my opinion.

#1 I advise you to buy your own phone!

One of the biggest ways these huge providers lure people like you and me in is by their amazing advertisements. They usually say they will keep the cost of your bill down. However, I am here to tell you that they are lying. When your purchase a phone through your provider, they increase the bill every month to compensate for their "top of the line" device. In my opinion, I believe it is cheaper to buy a phone and connect it to the provider of your choice.

#2 Do Not Sign The Contract!

Contracts are designed to lock consumers under a deal for two years in my opinion. They will charge you premium price for a couple years while the phone you use lowers in value. In my opinion, I believe you should stay contract free so you can take advantage of any deal that may surface from any provider. Never put all your eggs in one basket.

#3 Use The Internet To Your Advantage!

If I were you I would go on any search engine and compare the prices between all major providers. I would carefully observe if a deal is contractual or if it is too expensive. In addition, I would look to see if the amount of data being offered by that provider is enough for me.

Furthermore, look to see if you would like to get into a family plan. If you have a lot of loved ones, you may want to join a family plan with them to help you save more money.


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