Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#1:I Was a Cellphone Addict, Are You?

#1:I Was a Cellphone Addict, Are You?

When I bought my first cellphone over 20 years ago it was a novelty item for fun. I used it like a toy amazed at the ability to contact people from anywhere. My landline was still the main source for contact, if someone called when I wasn't home they could have left a message. The addiction for me built-up with every additional cellphone feature introduced. Sounds crazy but I began feeling undressed unless the cellphone was
on my person. I knew if going to a funeral, wedding, or just hanging-out with family this device overruled everything. It was like being part of Pavlov's dog experiment, every time my cellphone rang I had to answer it. I believe cellphones are an important modern communication device, but for me everything in moderation. Now I'm going to tell you the straw that broke the camels back for me in this addiction...

I had an appointment left the house noticed fifteen minutes later my cellphone was at home. It made me so uncomfortable I turned around drove back home to retrieve it. I didn't just pick it up running back to the car, needed to check before if there were any missed calls or messages. It gave comfort knowing it was with me. However, the cellphone took precedence over being late for this important meeting. The best part is while driving to this meeting the cellphone went off, I pulled over to side of road compelled to check what was coming in. What was wrong with me, couldn't wait until arriving at the destination?

It was time to get control of my life again breaking my cellphone addition.

I stopped taking the cellphone to work daily, checked it only in the morning and when returning home. Then turned it off right away. OMG it was so hard for the first week it felt like I was missing or deserting family and friends trying to contact me. Next took baby steps on the weekends when going grocery shopping left the device at home. Out at an event or family gathering the cellphone was off only checked afterwards.
How do I feel now?

I've taken my life back enjoying not being interrupted all the time, and feel empowered this device no longer controls me. I am not on call twenty-four hours a day all year- round. Have no guilt if I choose to take a vacation without my cellphone. Those close to me know where I'll be in case of an emergency. The best part is being respectful to people I'm with when having a conversation. I now take issue when a person I'm speaking answers their cellphone, tells me they must take it, and leaves me hanging. Also, while I am speaking with someone who starts texting at the same time is plain rude. I hope all who read this will look deep inside seeing if they are a cellphone addict too!


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