Wednesday, February 21, 2018

#1:The General Guide to Choosing a Phone

#1:The General Guide to Choosing a Phone

Today, there are hundreds of types of phones to choose from - and if you don't know the difference between Androids and iPhones, it becomes even harder to choose. There are some major differences between them that will generally push people into one camp or the other, or at least, make a more informed decision about your mobile phone.

Apple, as the only company to make iPhones, has excellent hardware and therefore, excellent quality in all their phones. Their offerings are limited and therefore easier to choose from-iPhone 5,6,7 etc. Android on the other hand has a wide range of choices since they allow many phone makers to utilize their software, such as Motorola, LG, Samsung and HTC. However, because there is so much choice, that increases the variability in quality from Androids, from very basic, low quality phones to premium high quality ones.

Integration with other devices
Now this depends on the other devices you have as well. If you have an Apple laptop and an iPad, an iPhone would be the obvious choice because they integrate well together, sharing apps, iMessage, photos and more between them. With Android, you don't receive such a unified experience since there are so many manufacturers, however, Google's services will also transfer across your Android devices.

Intelligence assistant
Siri, the iPhone assistant, is well known for her ability to perform simple tasks, such a creating reminds or answering questions. However, the assistant for Android, GoogleNow, has the advantage over Siri with its full access to Google's knowledge about both you and the world in order to fully help you.

User experience
The iPhone is easy to use, has a high quality and therefore works well, and has the apps you want. Your use of the iPhone is going to be very similar to your friend's use of the iPhone. The different models as well as going to be quite similar, only with minor upgrades and tweaks between them. Androids, on the other hand, with their great variety, are going to offer a greater ability to customize exactly what you want- whether it be apps, screen display, or the level of control for software.

The iPhones do not offer expandable storage, so you are stuck with however many GB you buy the phone with. You can buy cloud storage month to month, but it won't work for apps. Many Androids offer expandable memory, including all Motorolas, many of the Samsung series and some LG. So if storage is a priority for you, make sure to check out your options before buying.

Size and Design
For the newer iPhones, they come in either 4.7 in for the 6, 6s, and 7, or 5.5 in for 6 plus, 6s plus and 7 plus. And it will be the same for the iPhone 7s, 7s plus. The iPhone is a sleek, recognizable design, but one that again, doesn't come with that many choices. If it's size you're looking for, Android offers more of selection. The Note series is Samsung's offering for large phones, Motorola offers a few 5.7 inch phones while the Sony XPeria XA Ultra is a 6.0 inch phablet, among many other offerings. And like I mentioned above, Android has more design options and customization available.

So take these considerations into mind when you decide which phone you want to buy next. You don't need to stay with the same brand, however, many people prefer either Android or iPhone and aren't comfortable switching.


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